Below a list of selected papers.
Big Data & Machine Learning for Social Good
2025, A new approach to estimate neighborhood socioeconomic status using supermarket transactions and GNNs [SDGs: 1, 3 , 11] (new)
Eduardo Cruz, Monica Villavicencio, Carmen Vaca, Lisette Espín-Noboa & Nervo Verdezoto
[pdf] @ EPJ Data Science
2024, Strategic Transferability in Poverty Map Inference [SDGs: 1, 3 , 11]
Lisette Espín-Noboa, Yannik Gaebel, János Kertész, Márton Karsai.
2024, A Comparative Analysis of Wealth Index Predictions in Africa between three Multi-Source Inference Models [SDGs: 1, 3 , 11]
Márton Karsai, János Kertész, Lisette Espín-Noboa
[arxiv] [proceedings] [code] [slides] @ SoGood - ECMLPKDD24
2023, Interpreting Wealth Distribution via Poverty Map Inference using Multimodal Data [SDGs: 1, 3 , 11]
Lisette Espín-Noboa, János Kertész, Márton Karsai. In Proceedings of the ACM Web Conference 2023 (WWW ’23), April 30–May 04,2023, Austin, TX, USA.ACM, New York, NY, USA, 12 pages.
[proceedings] [arxiv] [code] [interactive tool] [slides] [video] [media: KURIER (DE), APA (DE), BK (DE), CSH (EN)] @ TheWebConf 2023
[poster] @ DataStories'22 - CEU
Fairness in Social Networks
2024, Auditing Llama 3 for Academic Author Search [SDGs: 5, 10, 16]
Daniele Barolo, Chiara Valentin, Fariba Karimi, Luis Galárraga, Gonzalo Gabriel Méndez, Bruno Ribeiro, Lisette Espín-Noboa.
[preprint][slides] @ AISci workshop'25 (new)
2024, Increasing the visibility of minorities in Academia [SDGs: 5, 10, 16]
Lisette Espín-Noboa et al.
2023, How Parenthood Policies and Support Networks Shape Career Paths in Academia [SDGs: 5, 8, 10, 16]
Lisette Espín-Noboa et al.
2022, Perceptions of "Network Fairness" [SDGs: 5, 10, 16]
Lisette Espín-Noboa et al.
Use case #1: Hiring in Academia
The Influence of Ege Formation in Algorithms
2022, Inequality and Inequity in Network-based Ranking and Recommendation Algorithms [SDGs: 5, 10 , 16]
Lisette Espín-Noboa, Claudia Wagner, Markus Strohmaier, Fariba Karimi. [🏅Top 100 in Sustainability - 2022 ]
2021, Explaining Classification Performance and Bias via Network Structure and Sampling Technique [SDGs: 5, 10 , 16]
Lisette Espín-Noboa, Fariba Karimi, Bruno Ribeiro, Kristina Lerman, Claudia Wagner. Applied Network Science, 2021.
[abstract] [poster] [slides] [video, slideslive] @ LXAI - ICML'20 (best poster award)
2018, Towards Quantifying Sampling Bias in Network Inference
Lisette Espín-Noboa, Claudia Wagner, Fariba Karimi and Kristina Lerman. In WWW ’18 Companion: The 2018 Web Conference Companion, April 23–27, 2018, Lyon, France. ACM, New York, NY, USA, 9 pages.
[abstract] [poster] @ LatinXinAI - NeurIPS'18
[arxiv, proceedings] [slides] @ MATNet - WWW'18
Edge Formation in Networks
2019, HopRank: How Semantic Structure Influences Teleportation in PageRank (A case study on BioPortal)
Lisette Espín-Noboa, Florian Lemmerich, Simon Walk, Markus Strohmaier and Mark A. Musen. In TheWebConf'19 Companion: The 2019 Web Conference Companion, May 13–17, 2019, San Francisco, CA, USA.
2017, JANUS: A Hypothesis-driven Bayesian Approach for Understanding Edge Formation in Attributed Multigraphs
Lisette Espín-Noboa, Florian Lemmerich, Markus Strohmaier and Philipp Singer. Applied Network Science, 2017.
2017, How Users Explore Ontologies on the Web: A Study of NCBO's BioPortal Usage Logs
Simon Walk, Lisette Espín-Noboa, Denis Helic, Markus Strohmaier and Mark A. Musen. In Proceedings of 26th International World Wide Web Conference WWW'17.
[pdf, arxiv] @ WWW'17
2016, Discovering and Characterizing Mobility Patterns in Urban Spaces: A Study of Manhattan Taxi Data
Lisette Espín-Noboa, Florian Lemmerich, Philipp Singer and Markus Strohmaier. In Proceedings of the 25th International Conference Companion on World Wide Web (pp. 537-542). International World Wide Web Conferences Steering Committee (WWW). Montreal, Canada, 2016 Apr 11.
[pdf] [slides] @ LocWeb - WWW'16
2015, Understanding How Users Edit Ontologies: Comparing Hypotheses About Four Real-World Projects
Simon Walk, Philipp Singer, Lisette Espín-Noboa, Tania Tudorache, Mark A. Musen and Markus Strohmaier. In The Semantic Web (pp. 551-568). Springer International Publishing (ISWC). Betlehem, Pennsylvania, USA, 2015 Oct 11.
[pdf] @ ISWC'15
NLP for Social Media
2015, Characterizing Information Diets of Social Media Users
Juhi Kulshrestha, Muhammad Bilal Zafar, Lisette Espín-Noboa , Krishna P. Gummadi, Saptarshi Ghosh. In Ninth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media (ICWSM). Oxford, UK, 2015 Apr 21.
[pdf] @ ICWSM'15